ponedeljek, 11. december 2017

December 2017 (Internet kot novi kraj komunikacije)

Internet kot novi kraj komunikacije

     Vedno večji vpliv v današnjem času dobiva internet. Zato ga lahko gledamo kot novo področje socializacije, precej drugačno od človeškega naravnega okolja. Z naravnim okoljem označujem direktni pogovori, ki so neposredni. Glede te komunikacije se bom osredotočal na najstnike od 14-18 leta, ki uporabljajo internet za komunikacijo. V tej komunikaciji je po najnovejši statistiki, kjer so kontrolirali forume in določili, da je vključeno ogromno spolnosti in nasilja, vsak 3 stavek naj bi vseboval takšno sporočilo. Ta tematika spolnosti in nasilja je drugače v živo dosti manj uporabljena in dosti bolj previdno uporabljena v pogovorih, ker je ljudi sram in se nelagodno počutijo, ko se takšna tema odpre.

     Zato lahko izpostavimo, da so glavne lastnosti internetnih komunikacij anonimnost in momentanost. Te dve lastnosti lahko na veliko spreminjata vso tematiko in obnašanje ljudi, ki uporabljajo internet. Ljudje ni več sram govoriti o spolnosti, poniževati ljudi, izražati rasizem. Zato uporabniki, ki se večino pogovarjajo preko interneta, mogoče ne bodo prepoznali meje v pravem življenju in bodo sporne in neprijetne teme odpirali brez občutka ali je primerno ali ne. Tudi glede pogovora je osebam, ki se več pogovarjajo preko interneta in manj neposredno, težje prepoznati mimike in druge znake med pogovorom in s tem pogovor v živo izgubi večino vrednosti in ljudje se ne znajo odzivati pravilno.

     V drugem pogledu pa momentanost ali instantnost vpliva na potrpežljivost posameznika. Vsa sporočila so poslana in sprejeta v trenutku in je s tem komunikacija na daljavo še lažja. Vendar se človek s tem odvadi potrpeti na nekaj in sprejeti da ni vse instantno.

     Moram tudi omeniti, da obe te lastnosti nista samo negativni, zaradi anonimnosti lahko npr. Introvertirani ljudje poiščejo odgovore na vprašanja, ki jih v živo ne upajo vprašati. Pri instantnosti je pa logično, da zmanjša oviro komunikacije na daljavo in pospeši pogovore in izmenjavo informacij.

     Vsekakor lahko zaključimo, da je internet nove področje komunikacije mladih in ga je treba upoštevati kot takega. Ne moremo in ne smemo mladim preprečiti uporabo, tako da je dolžnost staršev, da naučijo mlade uporabljati ta medij in z njim pravilno ravnati. Doma lahko vsak zase pogleda koliko se pogovarja preko digitalnih medijev in nato med pogovorom v živo preveri koliko razume negovorjenega sporočila med pogovorom samim, npr. mimika, ton glasu, čustvena obarvanost, hitrost govora, premori, poudarjanje, gibi telesa, .....

- Denis Ališič

////////////////////////////// english version/////////////////////////////////////

Internet as the new place for communication

     The Internet is gaining an ever increasing influence in today`s life. Therefore, we can see it as a new area of socialization, quite different from the human natural environment. With a natural environment I mark a direct conversation in real life. Regarding this communication, I will focus on teenagers aged 14-18 who use the Internet for communication. In this communication, according to the latest statistics, where the forums were controlled and determined that a lot of sexuality and violence were involved, each 3 sentence should contain such a message. This topic of sexuality and violence is otherwise much less used and much more cautiously used in conversations, because people are ashamed and uncomfortable when such an issue opens.

     Therefore, we can emphasize that the main features of Internet communications are anonymity and momentum. These two properties can greatly change the whole subject and behavior of people using the Internet. People are no longer ashamed to talk about sex, humiliation, express racism. Therefore, users who talk mostly on the Internet may not recognize the boundaries of real life converstation topics, and they will open contentious and unpleasant topics without feeling, whether it is appropriate or not. Also, in conversation, people who talk more over the Internet and less directly, find it harder to recognize mimics and other characters during a conversation, and with this conversation loses most of the value and people can not respond properly.

   In a different perspective, momentum or instant messaging affect the patient's patience. All messages are sent and received instantaneously, thus making distance communication even easier. However, it is unnatural for this man to endure something and accept that everything is not instantaneous.

     I must also mention that both of these characteristics are not only negative, but because of anonymity, for example, Introverted people find answers to questions they do not dare to ask. In instant messaging, however, it is logical to reduce the barrier of distance communication and to speed up conversations and exchange of information.

     In any case, we can conclude that the Internet is a new area of communication for young people and should be considered as such. We can not and should not prevent young people from using it, so it is the duty of parents to teach young people to use this medium and handle it properly. They can look at each other at home to communicate about how much they talk through digital media, and then, during a live conversation, to check how much they understand the non-spoken message during the conversation themselves, mimic, tone of voice, emotional coloring, speech speed, pauses, emphasis, body movements, .....

- Denis Ališič

nedelja, 26. november 2017

November 2017 (Komunikacija in odnosi)

Komunikacija in odnosi

     Vsak človek je bitje, ki si želi odnos, tako intimnega, kot pa prijateljskega ali samo stik z drugim človekom. Redkokdaj se zavedemo kako pomembni so odnosi in kakšno vlogo igrajo v našem življenju. Le ti vplivajo na naš razvoj, reševanje problemov, skupno delovanje, preprosto vse kar sami ne zmoremo. Zato bi rad odprl to temo in spregovoril o pomembnosti povezanosti ljudi med seboj. Ta povezanost se je začela že od samih začetkov človeštva, ko se je človek začel družiti v horde in skupine, ter s tem imel večjo možnost preživetja. Ta osnovni namen preživetja je res da bil povzročitelj druženja in vsega kasnejšega povezovanja. Tudi v kampiranju je dosti lažji in bolj zanimivo hoditi v velikih skupinah, kot sam. V večjih skupinah se počutimo bolj varne, pri nesrečah imam pomoč blizu, če kaj ne znamo nam hitro lahko nekdo priskočimo na pomoč.
     Malo preskočimo na človeški razvoj, s tem mislim razvoj človeka od rojstva do odraslosti. Leta 1493 je kralj škotske naredil preizkus, kot že mnogi pred njim in poslal dva dojenčka na otok, kjer jih je vzgajala gluhonema ženska. Opazili so, da otroci niso niti spregovorili, niti se naučili mimike ali katere koli druge komunikacije. Njihovo obnašanje je bilo bolj podobno ovcam na otoku, kot ženski, ki jih je vzgajala, če citiram zgodovinarja, ki je opisal situacijo. V tej zgodbi vidimo pomembnost odnosa, ki ni samo omeven in še kako pomemben za pravilni človeški razvoj. Tudi kasneje v življenju ljudje rabijo komunikacijo in stik z drugimi ljudmi, da lahko pravilno odrastejo in se razvijejo v zdrave osebe.
     Bolj kot se človek razvija in postaja pametnejši, bolj potrebuje govor in komunikacijo z drugimi ljudmi. Le tako lahko razglablja o težavah, ki ga bremenijo in se z drugimi usklajuje za skupno delo. Na tem temelju komunikacije in lažjega usklajevanja ljudi med seboj, se je tudi začelo razvijati človeštvo z raznimi izumi, napredki in znanostjo. Danes če pogledamo koliko uporabljamo komunikacijo, od pisne, do ustne in razne znakovne, je neprimerljivo z 200 leti nazaj. Pogosto vzamemo ta posredovanja samo omevno in dobro je, da se zavemo, da temu ni tako in je potrebno ceniti kar imamo. Zato sem tudi kot sliko, ki sem jo pripel v članek izbral abecedo, ki se jo uporablja univerzalno po skoraj celem svetu za nemoteno sporočanje. Večinoma se jo uporablja v vojaških in letalskih zadevah, se pa najdejo tudi druga manjša področja kjer se jo uporablja.
    Zavedanje, da komunikacija ni samo omevna ampak je vzadaj dosti dela in učenja lahko vsakemu posamezniku pomaga bolj ceniti kar ima. Preprosti način, ki podpira hvaležnost in skromnost je pred spanjem našteti deset stvari za katere smo hvaležni in se nam ne zdijo samo omevne. Na tak način opazimo, koliko smo lahko skromnejši in koliko bolj bomo znali ceniti stvari, ki jih imamo.

- Denis Ališič

////////////////////////////////english version///////////////////////////////

Communication and relationships

     Every person is a being who wants a relationship, whih can be intimate, friendly or just a contact with another person. We rarely know how important relationships are and what role they play in our lives. They not only influence our development, problem solving, joint actions, simply everything we can not do ourselves. So I would like to open this topic and talk about the importance of people's interaction with each other. Relationships have begun since the very beginnings of humanity, when man began to socialize in hordes and groups, and thus have a greater chance of survival. This basic purpose of survival was indeed that it was the cause of socializing and all subsequent interconnection. Even in camping it is much easier and more interesting to walk in large groups than yourself. In larger groups, we feel more secure, in the case of accidents, we have close help, if we do not know what we can do, someone can come to our aid.
     A little skip to human development, with this I mean the development of a person from birth to adulthood. In 1493, the king of Scotland did a test like many before him and sent two babies to the island where they were raised by a deaf woman. They noticed that the children did not even speak, learned mimes, or any other communication. Their behavior was more similar a sheep, which were also on the island than as the woman who raised them, if I quote a historian who described the situation. In this story, we see the importance of a relationships that is not self-evident and yet important for proper human development. Later in life people need communication and contact with other people so that they can properly grow up and develop into healthy people.
     The more a person develops and becomes smarter, the more he/she needs speech and communication with other people. Only in this way can he/she discuss the problems that are bothering him/her and coordinate with others for joint work. On this basis of communication and ease of harmonization of people among themselves, humanity began to develop with various inventions, advancements and science. Today, if we look at how much communication we use, from writing, to oral communication and various characters, it is unparalleled to 200 years ago. We often take these ways of communication for granted and it is good to know that this is not the case, and we have to appreciate what we know. That is why, for the image that I put into the article, I chose the alphabet, which is universally used throughout the most world for smooth communications Most of it is used in military and aviation matters, but other smaller areas where it is used can be found.
     Awareness that communication is not self-evident, but it is a lot of work and learning can help each individual appreciate what he/she has. A simple way to support gratitude and modesty is to list ten things that we are grateful for and do not consider it self-evident before bedtime. In this way, we notice how modest and how much more we can appreciate the things we have.

- Denis Ališič

sreda, 18. oktober 2017

Oktober 2017 (Občutek krivde in dar zastonjskosti)

Občutek krivde in dar zastonjskosti

     Vedno je lepo, kot ti nekdo nekaj podari ali dobiš kaj zastonj, kot darilo. Ljudje zastonjskost sprejemajo, kot dodatek k življenju, nekaj dodatnega kar ti polepša dan. Ampak zastonjskost je veliko več od tega, le to je osnovni pogoj pravilnega odraščanja. Redko kdo poveže zastonjskost z odnosi, z odraščanjem. Znano je, da je starševski odnos do otroka edini odnos, ki je sposoben biti zastonjski. Noben drug odnos ne nosi v sebi ta dar, ki ga starši omogočajo, da sprejemajo otroka brez katerih koli pogojev. In ta zastonjski odnos človek izredno potrebuje. Pri opazovanju otrok, ki niso imeli zastonjske ljubezni opazimo občutek krivde, ki prežema njihovo bivanje. Ne vzamejo odnosa, kot darilo ampak kot neko nujo, ki jo je treba vzdrževati. Imajo vedno občutke krivde in dolžnosti, da jim nobena stvar ni dana zastonj.
     Dar zastonjskosti je v družini nekaj najbolj naravnega in najlepšega. Tako tudi v naravi, lahko človek nabira razne stvari in raziskuje naravo, brez občutka krivda. Mi smo vključeni v naravo, kot njen del, ne kot zavojevalci, ki bomo vsi uničili. Normalno ravnaje človeka, ko se udejstvuje kot del nje in ko živi z njo je iz vseh vidikov zastonjsko in izredno zdravo za človeka. Ni mu treba plačevati na konvencionalen način za to kar dobi, ampak se mora le malo potruditi. Seveda ni pravilno množično izkoriščanje narave in njeno uničenje kot jo vidimo danes. V normalnih mejah človek ni škodljiv do narave in se prav lepo odraža ta občutek zastonjskosti v naravi.
Primer lahko dam, če gre človek kampirati in med tem nabira smrekove vršičke, razne gobe in še kakšno gozdno sadje, ne bo škodoval naravi in bo občutil tisto zastonjskost.

-Denis Ališič

/////////////////// english version//////////////////

Feeling guilty and a gift of free realtionship

     It's always nice when someone gives you something or you get something for free, like a gift. People accept freeness, as an addition to life, something extra that beautifies your day. But freeness is much more than this, because this is the basic condition of proper growing up. Rarely, someone connects freeness with relationships, with growing up. It is well-known that parental attitude towards a child is the only relationship that can be free. There is no other relationship that carries this gift that parents allow to receive a child without any conditions. And this free-of-charge relationship is what everyone needs. When watching children who did not have free love, we see a sense of guilt that permeates their lives. They do not take the relationship as a gift but as something that need to be done, that needs to be maintained. They always have feelings of guilt and duty, that nothing is given to them for free.
     The gift of free relationship in the family is some of the most natural and beautiful. So in nature, man can gather things and explore nature without feeling guilty. We are involved in nature, as part of it, not as savages, which destroy everything. The normal behavior of a person, when engaged as part of it and when living with it, is from all points of view free and extremely healthy for humans. He does not have to pay in a conventional way for what he gets, but he has to do little to do it. Of course, it is not correct to massively exploit nature and destroy it as we see it today. At normal limits, man is not harmful to nature, and this beautifully reflects this feeling of free nature in nature.
I can give an example if a person is camping and gather spruce tops, various mushrooms and other forest fruits, will not hurt nature and will feel that freeness.

-Denis Ališič

sobota, 2. september 2017

September 2017 (Bazno kislinska prehrana)

Bazno kislinska prehrana

     Vedno več je novih diet in načinov prehrane, ki jih zdravniki in razni guruji priporočajo. Res je, da po svojem ima vsaka pozitivne in negativne učinke in vsak posameznik si mora najti, kaj njemu najbolje sede. Zato sem se danes odločil pisati o Bazno kislinski prehrani, kar pomeni skratka uravnavanje pH vrednosti v telesu.

     Snov, ki jo povzemam, sem najdel pri Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburgu, dobitnik nobelove nagrade za utemeljitev te vrste prehrane. In sedaj kako deluje, torej vsako hranilo ima neko pH vrednosti s katero kasneje vpliva na človeka. Meso za primer ima kislo, torej nizko vrednost, žito in krompir imajo pa visoko vrednost, kar je boljše. Praviloma naj bi se pH človeškega telesa držal okoli 7,4 , kar je manj od te vrednosti pomeni že oslabljeni imunski sistem, utrujenost, povečan stres, zmanjšano koncentracijo.
     Osebno se mi zdi taka prehrana najbolj naravna, zato pišem o njej, ker ti ne obljublja perfektno telo, neko boljšo obliko na ne vem katerem delu telesa, ne. Ampak odgovarja na naravne potrebe telesa in kaj potrebuje za boljše delovanje. Dosti bolj pomembno je, da ima človek urejeno notranje ravnovesje, in v svojo prehrano vključi malo več žitaric, ki jih mnoge dieti strogo izključujejo. Če koga še zanimiva kaj več o tej prehrani, obstaja mnogo kuharskih knjig in medicinskih člankov, na spletu na Googlu.

- Denis Ališič

//////////english version/////////////////////////
Basic- acid diet

     There are more and more new diets and diets that are recommended by doctors and various gurus. It is true that every has positive and negative effect in its own way, and each individual must find what he sees best. Therefore, today I decided to write about the basic acidic diet, which means in short the regulation of pH in the body.

     The substance I summarize, I found by Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg, winner of the Nobel Prize for justifying this type of diet. And now, how it works, so each nutrient has some pH value, which later affects human bodies. The meat in this case has acidic values, therefore a low value, the cereals and potatoes have a high value, which is better. As a rule, the pH of the human body should be kept at about 7.4, which is less than this means a weakened immune system, fatigue, increased stress, decreased concentration.
     Personally, I find that such a diet is the most natural, therefore I am writing about it because it does not promise you a perfect body, nor a better shape on which I do not know which part of the body. But it responds to the natural needs of the body and what it needs to work better. Much more important is that a man has an orderly internal balance, and includes in his diet a little more cereals which are strictly excluded by many diets. If anyone else is interested in more about this diet, there are many chefs and medical articles, online on Google.

- Denis Ališič

torek, 8. avgust 2017

Avgust 2017 (Tranzicijski objekti)

Tranzicijski objekti

     Vsaka oseba, ko se izpostavi neki novi okolici, ali kakšni za njo neprijetni okolici ima skoraj vedno s seboj nek tranzicijski objekt. To so stvari, majhni predmeti, ki simbolizirajo varnost in spomin na varnejše okolje. Pri otrocih v vrtcu so to ponavadi plišaste igrače, ki ji spominjajo na dom in na starše. Nekaj ob čem se počutijo varnejši. Starejši jih imenujejo prinašalci sreče.
     Ljudje, ki se odpravijo v gozd imajo tudi pogosto kakšne te predmete seboj, pri vernih ljudeh je to lahko križ, vernik simbol, ali kakšna verižica. Pri ostalih slika, kos oblačila, nekakšen priljubljen predmet, ki daje varnost. Zame je to sekira, ki jo imam že 4 leta in jo vedno sabo nosim v gozdu na kampiranju. Tudi če bi bilo boljše da bi si kupil novo, bolj uporabno, mi vseeno pomeni nekaj več in imam rajši to v nahrbtniku.
     Čisto preprosto rečeno, vidimo, da tudi kraji, ki nas spominjajo in so podobni našemu domačemu kraju, zbudijo spomine in občutke prijetnosti. Podzavestno vplivajo na nas in nam dajejo občutek varnosti in večje samostojnosti.

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     Any person who is exposed to some new surroundings, or what kind of unpleasant environment, almost always has with him/her a transition object. These are things, small objects that symbolize security and memory of a safer environment. In kindergarten children bring usually plush toys that remind them of their home and their parents. Something they feel safer. The elderly call them the bearers of happiness.
     People who go to the forest often also have these objects with them, faithful people normaly use a religous object, such as a cross, or a necklace. For other there can be pictures, a piece of clothing, a kind of popular object that gives a feeling of security. For me, this is an axe that I have for four years and I always carry it on my own in the woods. Even if it was better for me to buy a new, lighter, more useful one, it still means something more and I prefer to have it in the backpack.
     Simply put, we see that the places that remind us and resemble our home town are awakening memories and feelings of security and happiness. They subconsciously affect us and give us a sense of security and greater autonomy.

- Denis Ališič

nedelja, 2. julij 2017

Julij 2017 (Izpostavljenost v naravi)

Izpostavljenost v naravi.

     Pozdravljeni, torej danes bomo govorili o zavetjih in občutku varnosti med kampiranjem. Med vsakim kampiranjem in ko gremo v gozd smo izpostavljeni okolici. Vsakemu je bolj prijetno doma, na varnem, kjer si siguren da se ti nič ne bo zgodilo. Zunaj je potrebno kar dosti prakse in časa, da se privadiš na način življenja. Če primerjamo razliko spati v hiši ali v bivaku je dosti bolj udobna hiša, ampak bivak je dosti bolj naraven in lahko rečemo zdravju koristen na dolgi rok. Dolgi rok je mišljeno povečanje človekove sposobnosti prenašati temperaturo, stres, okoliščine. Na začetku, ko začnemo s kampiranjem, prvikrat je vedno težava spati v bivaku, narejen iz šotorskega krila ali naravnem, lahko tudi šotoru. Ne samo zaradi udobja, ampak tudi zaradi izpostavljenosti. Šotor te zapre pred zunanjim svetom in ti, da popolno zaščito in zaklonišče, ki ga potrebuješ, zato je za začetnike resnično priporočljivo.
     Težko se je znajti prvič med kampiranjem, ko si sam v gozdu in je potrebno spati v bivaku narejenega iz kosa platna in spalke. Še posebej je težko, če nam vreme ne ustreza in je močan veter in dež. Zato je priporočljivo začeti s šotorom in nato stopnjevati na vedno manj opreme. Tako se oseba počasi prilagodi na situacijo in si ustvari občutek prilagojenosti in varnosti. Brez tega občutka je težko zaspati, porabljamo več energije, ker smo vedno živčni in pazimo na okolice ter nelagodno nam je.
     Zato ni nikoli neumno vzeti preveč opreme, če se hodimo prilagajati na kampiranjem in potem zmanjševati količino. Tudi oblačila nam dajejo občutek varnosti in zaščite, tako moramo biti tudi na to pozorni.
     Vsekakor lahko s tem prilagajanjem na naravo gradimo naš karakter in samoiniciativnost, kar nam bo pomagalo kasneje v življenju. Potrebno je dosti napora in navajanja in dolgoročno gledano nam je v korist in pomoč pri iskanju samega sebe. Na sliki lahko vidite par primerov gradnje bivakov in uporabe šotorskega krila.

///////////////////////////////(english version)

     Hello, so today we will talk about shelter and a sense of safety during camping. During each camping trip and when we go into the forest, we are exposed to the surrounding area. Everyone is more comfortable at home, safe, where you are sure nothing will happen to you. Outside it takes a lot of practice and time to get used to the way of life. Comparing the difference between sleeping in a house or in a shelter is a much more comfortable to sleep in a house, but the bivouac is much more natural and can be better for health benefits in the long run. Long run is meant as increase in the human ability to tolerate temperature, stress, and circumstances. At the beginning, when starting with camping, for the first time, it's always a problem to sleep in a shelter, made from a tent cloth or natural material. The tent closes you completely from the outside world, and you have the perfect protection and shelter that you need, so it is truly recommended for beginners.
     It is difficult to enjoy the first time during camping, when you are alone in the forest and you need to sleep in a bivouac made from a sleeping bag and tent wing. It is especially difficult if the weather does not suits us and there is strong wind and rain. It is therefore advisable to start with the tent and then to gradually increase to less equipment. Thus, the person slowly adjusts to the situation and creates a sense of adaptation and security. Without this feeling it is difficult to fall asleep, we consume more energy, because we are always nervous and look at the circumstances around us and we are uncomfortable with the nature.
     So it's never too silly to take too much equipment if we are going to adapt to camping and then reduce the amount. Clothes also give us a sense of security and protection, so we must be careful to also thing about them.
     In any case, by adapting to nature, we can build our character and self-initiative, which will help us later in life. We need a lot of effort and cognition, and in the long run, it favors us in helping finding ourselves. In the picture you can see a couple of examples of building shelters and the use of a tent wing.

- Denis Ališič

ponedeljek, 26. junij 2017

Junij 2017 (Temperaturni vpliv na človeka)

    Temperaturni vpliv na človeka

  Živijo, vsem ki ste se odločili pogledati in brati moj blog. Najprej, da na kratko razložim namen bloga. Pisal bom o načinih preživetja v naravi, kampiranju in psihološkem vidiku človeka v naravi. Na hitro sem se odločil, da bom kot začetek pisal o dejavniku, ki je vedno prisoten med vsako dejavnostjo zunaj in na splošno vedno ko kampiramo. Temperatura telesa. Povprečna telesna temperatura človeka je 37 stopinj C, lahko malo niha glede na posameznika. Že pri 39 stopinj se začne vročina in pri 34 stopinj se začenja podhladitev. 
Temperatura se spreminja glede na okoliščine, aktivnost in občutke, ki jih imamo. Glede okoliščin bomo govorili kasneje, sedaj se osredotočimo na občutke. Kot vidimo na sliki, glede na to kaj človek čuti se rahlo spreminja njegova telesna temperatura, tako nam je lahko bolj vroče ali mrzlo ne glede na okoliščine. Vesela oseba je cela osvetljena, segreta, tako ima tudi več motivacije za delo, nasprotna depresivna oseba je cela ohlajena in tako tudi manj motivirana. Na splošno v vseh občutkih je neka sprememba, ki je razvidna in ki vpliva na našo motivacijo in mišljenje. Tako lahko tudi občutki sledijo temperaturi, torej če smo ohlajeni med zimo bomo po možnosti manj motivirani in bolj depresivni, kot če smo segreti med poletjem. Temperatura in občutki so med seboj povezani, ko se zgodi ena stvar ji druga sledi. Lahko je naprej vroče in smo posledično veseli ali obratno. Vsekakor je to dejavnik, na katerega ne smemo pozabiti in se z njim da delati v našo korist.
     Sedaj še drugi del o uravnavanju okoliščin. Med kampiranjem je največji problem pozimi, kjer moramo vzdrževati telesna temperaturo, bolj kot poleti, ko je samo hlajenje problem. Tako sledi par nasvetov za pozimi; če je možno vedno nosimo volno, kajti tudi če se zmoči še vedno greje. Mokra oblačila so največja nevarnost pri temperaturah pod 0 stopinj C. Obvezno se je zaščititi pred vetrom, kajti veter lahko ojača mraz tudi do 2x in če smo premočeni se lahko ohladimo tudi do 4x hitreje. Najboljša rešitev, kot obramba proti mokroti in vetru je oblačenje čim večih slojev, namesto enega debelega.
     Glede poletja pa lahko rečemo le da se izogibamo sonca in ostajamo suhi, da nas veter ne prehladi. Poletne noči so ponekod lahko tudi kar hladne, tako da če je čez dan vroče, moramo misliti tudi na nočni mraz.
     Vedno je glavni problem v mrazu, ne samo da nas ohladi, porablja energijo ampak tudi vpliva na občutke. Znanstveniki na Antarktiki so opazili pojav, da človek, ki je izpostavljen dolgotrajnemu mrazu, govorimo o več tednih, mesecih. Izgubi sposobnost oz. Se mu zmanjša sposobnost govoriti. Tako so bili tudi bolj depresivni in nemotivirani. Temperatura je vpliva na njih, če točno povemo na hormone. Kasneje ko so se vrnili domov, po dveh tednih so bili vsi normalni in brez posledic.

Glede vaših vprašanj mi lahko pišete na facebooku v skupini Terapija v naravi.

////////////////////////////////////////// ( the english version) 

     Hello, everyone who has decided to look and read my blog. First, let me briefly explain the purpose of my blog. I will write about the ways of survival in nature, camping and the psychological aspect of man in nature. I quickly decided to write about the factor that is always present during every activity outside and generally whenever we camp. Body temperature. The average body temperature of a person is 37 degrees C, it can vary slightly depending on the individual. Already at 39 degrees, a fever begins and at 34 degrees the hypothermia begins.
     The temperature varies according to the circumstances, activity and feelings that we have. Concerning the circumstances we will talk later, now we will focus on the feelings. As we see in the picture, depending on what a person feels, his body temperature changes slightly, so he may be hotter or cold regardless of the circumstances. A cheerful person is completely illuminated, heated, so he also has more motivation to work, on the opposite a depressed person is completely chilled and thus also less motivated. In general, in all senses, there is some change that is evident and influences our motivation and thinking. Thus, sensations can also follow the temperature, so if we are chilled during the winter, we will be less motivated and more depressed than if we are heated during the summer. Temperature and feelings are interconnected when one thing happens the other follow it. It can be hot and consequently we are happy or vice versa. In any case, this is a factor that we must not forget and we can work with for our benefit outside.

     Now another part about the circumstances. During camping, the biggest problem is in winter, where we need to maintain body temperature, rather than in summer, when cooling is the only problem. Now i will give you some tips for the winter and the colder times; If you can, always wear wool, because even if it is wet it still warms you. Wet clothes are the greatest danger at temperatures below 0 degrees C. It is mandatory to protect it from the wind, because the wind can strengthen the frost even up to 2x, and if we are wet, it can cool us down 4x faster. The best solution against wetness and wind, is to dress as many layers as possible instead of a thick one.

     As for the summer, we can only say that we avoid the sun and stay dry, so that the wind does not give us a cold. Summer nights can be quite cold in some places, so if it's hot during the day, we have to think about the night chill, where we can get undercooled very quickly.

     It is always the main problem in the cold, not only it cools us, and consumes our energy but also affects our feelings. Scientists in Antarctica have observed the phenomenon that a man who is exposed to prolonged cold is, we are talking exposure for weeks, months. Lose of ability to speak, they can only grunt most of the time. They were also more depressed and unmotivated. The temperature affects them, if we tell exactly, the hormones are affected. Later on, when they returned home, after two weeks they were all normal and without long lasting damage.

For your questions, you can write me on facebook in the group Terapija v naravi.

- Denis Ališič

December 2018 (Bivakiranje med prvo nočjo)

Bivakiranje med prvo nočjo Odhod na prvo prenočitev je lahko čustveno naporen in zahteva kar nekaj priprav, da je izpeljan pravilno...