Vsak človek je bitje, ki si želi
odnos, tako intimnega, kot pa prijateljskega ali samo stik z drugim
človekom. Redkokdaj se zavedemo kako pomembni so odnosi in kakšno
vlogo igrajo v našem življenju. Le ti vplivajo na naš razvoj,
reševanje problemov, skupno delovanje, preprosto vse kar sami ne
zmoremo. Zato bi rad odprl to temo in spregovoril o pomembnosti
povezanosti ljudi med seboj. Ta povezanost se je začela že od samih
začetkov človeštva, ko se je človek začel družiti v horde in
skupine, ter s tem imel večjo možnost preživetja. Ta osnovni namen
preživetja je res da bil povzročitelj druženja in vsega kasnejšega
povezovanja. Tudi v kampiranju je dosti lažji in bolj zanimivo
hoditi v velikih skupinah, kot sam. V večjih skupinah se počutimo
bolj varne, pri nesrečah imam pomoč blizu, če kaj ne znamo nam
hitro lahko nekdo priskočimo na pomoč.
Malo preskočimo na človeški razvoj,
s tem mislim razvoj človeka od rojstva do odraslosti. Leta 1493 je
kralj škotske naredil preizkus, kot že mnogi pred njim in poslal
dva dojenčka na otok, kjer jih je vzgajala gluhonema ženska.
Opazili so, da otroci niso niti spregovorili, niti se naučili mimike ali
katere koli druge komunikacije. Njihovo obnašanje je bilo bolj
podobno ovcam na otoku, kot ženski, ki jih je vzgajala, če citiram
zgodovinarja, ki je opisal situacijo. V tej zgodbi vidimo pomembnost
odnosa, ki ni samo omeven in še kako pomemben za pravilni človeški
razvoj. Tudi kasneje v življenju ljudje rabijo komunikacijo in stik
z drugimi ljudmi, da lahko pravilno odrastejo in se razvijejo v
zdrave osebe.
Bolj kot se človek razvija in postaja
pametnejši, bolj potrebuje govor in komunikacijo z drugimi ljudmi.
Le tako lahko razglablja o težavah, ki ga bremenijo in se z drugimi
usklajuje za skupno delo. Na tem temelju komunikacije in lažjega
usklajevanja ljudi med seboj, se je tudi začelo razvijati človeštvo
z raznimi izumi, napredki in znanostjo. Danes če pogledamo koliko
uporabljamo komunikacijo, od pisne, do ustne in razne znakovne, je
neprimerljivo z 200 leti nazaj. Pogosto vzamemo ta posredovanja
samo omevno in dobro je, da se zavemo, da temu ni tako in je potrebno ceniti kar imamo. Zato sem tudi kot sliko, ki sem jo pripel v članek
izbral abecedo, ki se jo uporablja univerzalno po skoraj celem svetu
za nemoteno sporočanje. Večinoma se jo uporablja v vojaških in
letalskih zadevah, se pa najdejo tudi druga manjša področja kjer se
jo uporablja.
Zavedanje, da komunikacija ni
samo omevna ampak je vzadaj dosti dela in učenja lahko vsakemu
posamezniku pomaga bolj ceniti kar ima. Preprosti način, ki podpira
hvaležnost in skromnost je pred spanjem našteti deset stvari za
katere smo hvaležni in se nam ne zdijo samo omevne. Na tak način
opazimo, koliko smo lahko skromnejši in koliko bolj bomo znali ceniti
stvari, ki jih imamo.
- Denis Ališič
and relationships
Every person is a being who wants a
relationship, whih can be intimate, friendly or just a contact with
another person. We rarely know how important relationships are and
what role they play in our lives. They not only influence our
development, problem solving, joint actions, simply everything we can
not do ourselves. So I would like to open this topic and talk about
the importance of people's interaction with each other. Relationships
have begun since the very beginnings of humanity, when man began to
socialize in hordes and groups, and thus have a greater chance of
survival. This basic purpose of survival was indeed that it was the
cause of socializing and all subsequent interconnection. Even in
camping it is much easier and more interesting to walk in large
groups than yourself. In larger groups, we feel more secure, in the
case of accidents, we have close help, if we do not know what we can
do, someone can come to our aid.
A little skip to human development,
with this I mean the development of a person from birth to adulthood.
In 1493, the king of Scotland did a test like many before him and
sent two babies to the island where they were raised by a deaf woman.
They noticed that the children did not even speak, learned mimes, or
any other communication. Their behavior was more similar a sheep,
which were also on the island than as the woman who raised them, if I
quote a historian who described the situation. In this story, we see
the importance of a relationships that is not self-evident and yet
important for proper human development. Later in life people need
communication and contact with other people so that they can properly
grow up and develop into healthy people.
The more a person develops and becomes
smarter, the more he/she needs speech and communication with other
people. Only in this way can he/she discuss the problems that are
bothering him/her and coordinate with others for joint work. On this
basis of communication and ease of harmonization of people among
themselves, humanity began to develop with various inventions,
advancements and science. Today, if we look at how much communication
we use, from writing, to oral communication and various characters,
it is unparalleled to 200 years ago. We often take these ways of
communication for granted and it is good to know that this is not the
case, and we have to appreciate what we know. That is why, for the
image that I put into the article, I chose the alphabet, which is
universally used throughout the most world for smooth communications
Most of it is used in military and aviation matters, but other
smaller areas where it is used can be found.
Awareness that communication is not
self-evident, but it is a lot of work and learning can help each
individual appreciate what he/she has. A simple way to support
gratitude and modesty is to list ten things that we are grateful for
and do not consider it self-evident before bedtime. In this way, we
notice how modest and how much more we can appreciate the things we
- Denis Ališič