Temperaturni vpliv na človeka

se spreminja glede na okoliščine, aktivnost in občutke, ki jih
imamo. Glede okoliščin bomo govorili
kasneje, sedaj se osredotočimo na občutke. Kot
vidimo na sliki, glede na to kaj človek čuti se rahlo spreminja
njegova telesna temperatura, tako nam je lahko bolj vroče ali mrzlo
ne glede na okoliščine. Vesela oseba je cela osvetljena, segreta,
tako ima tudi več motivacije za delo, nasprotna depresivna oseba je
cela ohlajena in tako tudi manj motivirana. Na splošno v vseh
občutkih je neka sprememba, ki je razvidna in ki vpliva na našo
motivacijo in mišljenje. Tako lahko tudi občutki sledijo
temperaturi, torej če smo ohlajeni med zimo bomo po možnosti manj
motivirani in bolj depresivni, kot če smo segreti med poletjem.
Temperatura in občutki so med seboj povezani, ko se zgodi ena stvar
ji druga sledi. Lahko je naprej vroče in smo posledično veseli ali
obratno. Vsekakor je to dejavnik, na katerega ne smemo pozabiti in se
z njim da delati v našo korist.
še drugi del o uravnavanju okoliščin. Med kampiranjem je največji
problem pozimi, kjer moramo vzdrževati telesna temperaturo, bolj kot
poleti, ko je samo hlajenje problem. Tako sledi par nasvetov za
pozimi; če je možno vedno nosimo volno, kajti tudi če se zmoči še
vedno greje. Mokra oblačila so največja nevarnost
pri temperaturah pod 0 stopinj C. Obvezno se je zaščititi
pred vetrom, kajti veter lahko ojača mraz tudi do 2x in če smo
premočeni se lahko ohladimo tudi do 4x hitreje. Najboljša rešitev,
kot obramba proti mokroti in vetru je oblačenje čim večih slojev,
namesto enega debelega.
poletja pa lahko rečemo le da se izogibamo sonca in ostajamo suhi,
da nas veter ne prehladi. Poletne noči so ponekod lahko tudi kar
hladne, tako da če je čez dan vroče, moramo misliti tudi na nočni
je glavni problem v mrazu, ne samo da nas ohladi, porablja energijo
ampak tudi vpliva na občutke. Znanstveniki na Antarktiki
so opazili pojav, da človek, ki je izpostavljen dolgotrajnemu mrazu,
govorimo o več tednih, mesecih. Izgubi sposobnost oz. Se mu
zmanjša sposobnost govoriti. Tako so bili tudi bolj depresivni
in nemotivirani. Temperatura je vpliva na njih, če točno
povemo na hormone. Kasneje ko so se vrnili domov, po dveh tednih so
bili vsi normalni in brez posledic.
////////////////////////////////////////// ( the english version)
everyone who has decided to look and read my blog. First, let me
briefly explain the purpose of my blog. I will write about the ways
of survival in nature, camping and the psychological aspect of man in
nature. I quickly decided to write about the factor that is always
present during every activity outside and generally whenever we camp.
Body temperature. The average body temperature of a person is 37
degrees C, it can vary slightly depending on the individual. Already
at 39 degrees, a fever begins and at 34 degrees the hypothermia
temperature varies according to the circumstances, activity and
feelings that we have. Concerning the circumstances we will talk
later, now we will focus on the feelings. As we see in the picture,
depending on what a person feels, his body temperature changes
slightly, so he may be hotter or cold regardless of the
circumstances. A cheerful person is completely illuminated, heated,
so he also has more motivation to work, on the opposite a depressed
person is completely chilled and thus also less motivated. In
general, in all senses, there is some change that is evident and
influences our motivation and thinking. Thus, sensations can also
follow the temperature, so if we are chilled during the winter, we
will be less motivated and more depressed than if we are heated
during the summer. Temperature and feelings are interconnected when
one thing happens the other follow it. It can be hot and consequently
we are happy or vice versa. In any case, this is a factor that we
must not forget and we can work with for our benefit outside.
another part about the circumstances. During camping, the biggest
problem is in winter, where we need to maintain body temperature,
rather than in summer, when cooling is the only problem. Now i will
give you some tips for the winter and the colder times; If you can,
always wear wool, because even if it is wet it still warms you. Wet
clothes are the greatest danger at temperatures below 0 degrees C. It
is mandatory to protect it from the wind, because the wind can
strengthen the frost even up to 2x, and if we are wet, it can cool us
down 4x faster. The best solution against wetness and wind, is to
dress as many layers as possible instead of a thick one.
As for
the summer, we can only say that we avoid the sun and stay dry, so
that the wind does not give us a cold. Summer nights can be quite
cold in some places, so if it's hot during the day, we have to think
about the night chill, where we can get undercooled very quickly.
It is
always the main problem in the cold, not only it cools us, and
consumes our energy but also affects our feelings. Scientists in
Antarctica have observed the phenomenon that a man who is exposed to
prolonged cold is, we are talking exposure for weeks, months. Lose of
ability to speak, they can only grunt most of the time. They were
also more depressed and unmotivated. The temperature affects them, if
we tell exactly, the hormones are affected. Later on, when they
returned home, after two weeks they were all normal and without long
lasting damage.
For your
questions, you can write me on facebook in the group Terapija v
- Denis Ališič