sreda, 18. oktober 2017

Oktober 2017 (Občutek krivde in dar zastonjskosti)

Občutek krivde in dar zastonjskosti

     Vedno je lepo, kot ti nekdo nekaj podari ali dobiš kaj zastonj, kot darilo. Ljudje zastonjskost sprejemajo, kot dodatek k življenju, nekaj dodatnega kar ti polepša dan. Ampak zastonjskost je veliko več od tega, le to je osnovni pogoj pravilnega odraščanja. Redko kdo poveže zastonjskost z odnosi, z odraščanjem. Znano je, da je starševski odnos do otroka edini odnos, ki je sposoben biti zastonjski. Noben drug odnos ne nosi v sebi ta dar, ki ga starši omogočajo, da sprejemajo otroka brez katerih koli pogojev. In ta zastonjski odnos človek izredno potrebuje. Pri opazovanju otrok, ki niso imeli zastonjske ljubezni opazimo občutek krivde, ki prežema njihovo bivanje. Ne vzamejo odnosa, kot darilo ampak kot neko nujo, ki jo je treba vzdrževati. Imajo vedno občutke krivde in dolžnosti, da jim nobena stvar ni dana zastonj.
     Dar zastonjskosti je v družini nekaj najbolj naravnega in najlepšega. Tako tudi v naravi, lahko človek nabira razne stvari in raziskuje naravo, brez občutka krivda. Mi smo vključeni v naravo, kot njen del, ne kot zavojevalci, ki bomo vsi uničili. Normalno ravnaje človeka, ko se udejstvuje kot del nje in ko živi z njo je iz vseh vidikov zastonjsko in izredno zdravo za človeka. Ni mu treba plačevati na konvencionalen način za to kar dobi, ampak se mora le malo potruditi. Seveda ni pravilno množično izkoriščanje narave in njeno uničenje kot jo vidimo danes. V normalnih mejah človek ni škodljiv do narave in se prav lepo odraža ta občutek zastonjskosti v naravi.
Primer lahko dam, če gre človek kampirati in med tem nabira smrekove vršičke, razne gobe in še kakšno gozdno sadje, ne bo škodoval naravi in bo občutil tisto zastonjskost.

-Denis Ališič

/////////////////// english version//////////////////

Feeling guilty and a gift of free realtionship

     It's always nice when someone gives you something or you get something for free, like a gift. People accept freeness, as an addition to life, something extra that beautifies your day. But freeness is much more than this, because this is the basic condition of proper growing up. Rarely, someone connects freeness with relationships, with growing up. It is well-known that parental attitude towards a child is the only relationship that can be free. There is no other relationship that carries this gift that parents allow to receive a child without any conditions. And this free-of-charge relationship is what everyone needs. When watching children who did not have free love, we see a sense of guilt that permeates their lives. They do not take the relationship as a gift but as something that need to be done, that needs to be maintained. They always have feelings of guilt and duty, that nothing is given to them for free.
     The gift of free relationship in the family is some of the most natural and beautiful. So in nature, man can gather things and explore nature without feeling guilty. We are involved in nature, as part of it, not as savages, which destroy everything. The normal behavior of a person, when engaged as part of it and when living with it, is from all points of view free and extremely healthy for humans. He does not have to pay in a conventional way for what he gets, but he has to do little to do it. Of course, it is not correct to massively exploit nature and destroy it as we see it today. At normal limits, man is not harmful to nature, and this beautifully reflects this feeling of free nature in nature.
I can give an example if a person is camping and gather spruce tops, various mushrooms and other forest fruits, will not hurt nature and will feel that freeness.

-Denis Ališič

December 2018 (Bivakiranje med prvo nočjo)

Bivakiranje med prvo nočjo Odhod na prvo prenočitev je lahko čustveno naporen in zahteva kar nekaj priprav, da je izpeljan pravilno...