Paracord zapestnica
Njena izdelava je, sploh za družine,
zanimiva dejavnost, ki naj bi se vključevala v vse taborniške
izlete. Za izdelovanje potrebujemo kakšen meter vrvi ali dva ter
vsaj 15-30 minut časa. Pletenje zapestnice je precej natančno delo,
ki zahteva koncentracijo in pozornost. Zato je dobro za ljudi, ki se
težje skoncentrirajo ter s tem urijo njihovo pozornost. Izdelava
zapestnice ni finančno obremenjujoča ter je po zahtevnosti primerna
tudi za otroke.
Koncentracija je nasplošno pomembna
stvar v naravi, ki se jo splača krepiti in uriti za hitrejše
mišljenje in prepoznavanje okolice. Pogostokrat moramo v našem
vsakodnevu razpršiti našo koncentracijo in se osredotočati na več
stvari, kar nam omejuje kvaliteto dela. Tako je dobro izboljšati
koncentracijo, da smo lahko bolj osredotočeni na eno stvar in lahko
izklopimo druge. Glede tega sem že pisal prej v opisu meditacije
čuječnosti. Poleg konectrancije je zapestnica tudi lep suvenir, ki
jo lahko vsak vzame s seboj s terena za spomin. Majhni spominki
ohranjajo lepe spomine ter nas spomnijo na sproščen čas v naravi.
/////////////////////////english version
Paracord bracelet
Paracord bracelets are becoming
increasingly popular in the field of bushcraft. They can be made only
from ropes or from plastic buckles at both ends, which make it easier
to take off the bracelet. The original purpose is the functionality
that it allows outside on the terrain. A nail, a stick, a needle can
be temporarily stuck in them, and is immediately available. We can
also unpack it and we have a rope that can be used for various
purposes, making the paracord bracelet very easy to use and
convenient in the forest.
The making is, for families, an
interesting activity, which should be included in all campsite
excursions. For production, we need a meter of rope or two and at
least 15-30 minutes of time. Knitting a bracelet is a pretty precise
job that requires concentration and attention. That's why it's good
for people who find it harder to concentrate and thus get their
attention improved. The bracelet is not financially burdensome and is
also suitable for children.
Concentration is a generally important
thing in nature, it is worthwhile to strengthen and train it for
faster thinking and recognition of the environment. Often, we have to
disperse our concentration in our everyday life and concentrate on
several things, which limits our quality of work. It's good to
improve concentration so that we can focus more on one thing and can
turn off others. I already wrote about this earlier in the
description of the mindfullness meditation. In addition to the
conception, the bracelet is also a beautiful souvenir, which anyone
can take with him/her from the terrain for memory. Small souvenirs
keep nice memories and remind us of relaxed time in nature.
- Denis Ališič