nedelja, 15. april 2018

April 2018 (Meditacija čuječnosti)

Meditacija čuječnosti

Danes se ogromno govori o meditaciji čuječnosti. Vsi delajo znanost iz le te in jo poskušajo razložiti na vse možne načine. Na kratko povedano jo vsi ljudje že obvladamo in prakticiramo, le zavedamo se je ne in jo ne prakticiramo aktivno.
Čuječnost je osredotočanje svojih misli na sedanjost, na ta trenutek. Brez premišljevanja o prihodnosti ali preteklosti. S tem usmerimo celotno našo koncentracijo v to kar delamo in se osredotočimo na trenutno aktivnost. S tem osredotočanjem postanemo bolj zbrani in se manj obremenjujemo z ostalimi stvarmi. Tako preprosta stvar, ki je postala pretirano zakomplicirana znanost, kar sploh ni potrebno. Vsi poznamo, ko se na primer vozimo domov z avtom in se potem, ko pridemo domov enega dela poti ne spomnimo. To pomeni da smo avtomatsko vozili in nismo bili osredotočeni na tok misli. Še vedno smo osredotočeni na okolico in na vožnjo, vendar smo bili z mislimi v preteklosti ali v prihodnosti, v nekem abstratnem trenutku. Tu opazimo kako nam lahko ta meditacija pomaga, da bolj umirjeno in osredotočeno živimo ter se ne obremenjujemo s tem, kar ni sedaj osrednji fokus našega življenja.
Meditacija pa pomeni samo tehniko, kako doseči to čuječnost, kako na čim lažji način priti do umiritve in osredotočenosti. Ponavadi se sedi med samo meditacijo, lahko se pa tudi stoji ali leži, kakor komu bolje ustreza. Tradicionalno je sedenje najboljša pozicija, ker vseh 5 plati telesa gleda navzgor, torej dlani rok, stopala in srčna plat. Med meditacijo se osredotočamo na dihanje in se poskušamo umiriti. Ritem dihanja naj bi bil 4 sekunde vdiha in 8 sekund izdiha, da se telo sprošča in dobi zadosti kisika. Med tem moramo misli osredotočiti na dihanje oz. na naše telo in v kakšnem položaju se nahaja. Misli morajo biti osredotočene samo na trenutno stanje in pravo sedanjost, saj je vse ostalo odveč in nas preobremenjuje.
Ko osvojimo to tehniko, lahko poskušamo isti način izpeljati med delom, tako da se osredotočimo samo na trenutno aktivnost, v katero se popolnoma poglobimo, brez ostalih misli. Preveliko posvečanje prihodnosti povzroča anksioznost, misli usmerjene v preteklost pa depresijo, tako da je najbolj zdrava rešitev za naše duševno stanje, osredotočenost na pravo sedanjost in trenutek v katerem se nahajamo.

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Mindfulness meditation

Today, there is a huge talk about mindfulness meditation. Everyone is doing a science out of this and trying to explain it in every possible way. In short, all people have already mastered and practiced it, we are only not aware of it and not practicing it actively.
Mindfulness is focusing on your thoughts on the present, at this very moment. No thinking about the future or the past. By doing so, we focus our entire concentration on what we do and focus on the current activity. By focusing, we become more concentrated and less burdensome with other things. Such a simple thing that has become an excessively complicated science, which is not necessary at all to become this complicated. We all know, for example, when we drive home with a car and, after we come home, we do not remember a part of the trip. This means that we were automatically driving and we were not focused on the flow of our thought. We were still focused on the environment and driving, but we have been thinking about the past or in the future, at some exact moment. Here we see how this meditation can help us to live more calmly and concentrated, and not burdening ourselves with what is not the central focus of our lives.
Meditation, however, is only a technique, how to achieve this mindfulness, how to calm and focus in the easiest way possible. Usually, one sits in meditation, one can stand or lie as it feels easier. Traditionally, sitting is the best position since all 5 sides of the body look up, that is, the hands, feet and the heart. During meditation, we concentrate on breathing and try to calm down. The breathing rhythm is supposed to inhale for 4 seconds and exhale 8 seconds to release the body tension and get enough oxygen. In this context, we need to focus our thoughts on breathing, or on our body and in what position it is located. Thoughts should be focused solely on the current state and the true present, since everything else is overwhelming and too burdening.
Once we get this technique, we can try to do the same way during work, focusing solely on the current activity, in which we completely deepen our focus, without other thoughts. Excessive dedication to the future causes anxiety, and the thoughts of the past are depression, so it is the healthiest solution for our mental state, the focus on the true present and the moment in which we are.

- Denis Ališič

December 2018 (Bivakiranje med prvo nočjo)

Bivakiranje med prvo nočjo Odhod na prvo prenočitev je lahko čustveno naporen in zahteva kar nekaj priprav, da je izpeljan pravilno...