Strah je eden od osnovnih občutkov,
ki jih človek lahko začuti in oblikuje našo primarno čustveno
paleto. Preko njega vemo, da je nekaj nevarno in da ne smemo iti
predaleč ter nas že po samem evolucijskem smislu varuje pred
nesrečo in bolečino. Včasih je pa tudi strah pretirano izražen in
je prisoten po nepotrebnem, v tem smislu nas strah lahko ovira ter
V naravi se dostikrat pojavi strah,
pogosto pred neznanimi stvarmi, ki jih zaznamo kot nevarne.
Velikokrat je to ponoči v temi, kjer je naše vidno polje zmanjšano
ali pa, ko delamo nekaj prvič in tega nismo navajeni. Tak odziv je
lahko popolnoma normalen, kadar gremo prvič kampirat ali se podamo
na nov teritorij v naravo. Strah nam pove, da naj bomo pazljivi, ker
je še veliko neznanega na tem področju. Glede dela z strahom je pa
podobno, kot z ostalimi stvarmi. Če se navadimo strahu podleči in
vsakič stopiti korak nazaj, bomo to delali avtomatsko in ne bomo
nikamor napredovali. Drugače je pa, če se bomo vsakič znova
spopadli s strahom ter se trudili napredovati in premagovati strah,
takrat bomo sami nase vedno bolj ponosni.
Zato je pomembno, da strah ne vzamemo
kot nekaj negativnega ampak kot nekaj pozitivnega, nekaj kar nas
lahko žene naprej v pravo smer in nam odpira realnost in nas
prizemlji. Tako, če pogledamo konkreten primer, kako je lahko strah
prisoten in do kje ga je pametno čutiti. Vsak od nas, ko je šel
prvič kampirat se je bal, kaj se bo zgodilo, ali sem vse vzel s
seboj, ali bom zmogel? In tukaj se že čuti strah, ki nas ustavlja
pred neznanim in nas skuša varovati pred nevarnimi dejavniki v
naravi. Istočasno se pa odločimo, da bomo šli naprej kljub strahu
in kampirali v naravi. Medtem bo pa nekaj tega strahu vedno
prisotnega in nas bo varoval, da ne bomo šli predaleč in delali
neumnosti. Zdrav strah nam omogoča, da ostanemo realni in da
ohranjamo spoštovanje pred tem kar delamo ter ne ratujemo naivni.
Fear is one of the basic feelings that
one can feel and shape our primary emotional palette. Through it we
know that something is dangerous and that we must not go too far and
it protects us from the very evolutionary point of view from an
accident and pain. Sometimes, too, fear is excessively expressed and
is present unnecessarily, in this sense it can be an obstacle and
In nature, fear often arises in front
of unknown things that we perceive as dangerous. Often this is at
night in the darkness, where our field of view is reduced or when we
are doing something for the first time and we are not accustomed to
it. Such a response can be perfectly normal when we are camping for
the first time or going to a new territory in outside. Fear tells us
that we should be careful because there is still a lot of unknown in
this field. If we become accustomed to the anxiety, when we feel fear
and we step back every time, we will do it automatically and we will
not progress anywhere. Otherwise, if we face fear and try to advance
and overcome it, then we will be more and more proud of ourselves.
It is therefore important that we do
not take fear as something negative but as something positive,
something that can lead us in the right direction and opens the
reality to us and grounds us. Thus, if we look at a concrete example
of how fear can be present and where it is smart to feel it. Each of
us, when he/she first went camping, he/she was afraid, what would
happen? Did i take everything with me?, or will i be able to do it?
And here is already a fear that stops us from the unknown and tries
to protect us from dangerous elements in nature. At the same time, we
decide to go ahead despite fear and camp in the nature. In the
meantime, there will be some of this fear always present and will
protect us so that we will not go too far and act stupid. Healthy
fear enables us to stay real and maintain respect for what we do and
do not act naive.
-Denis Ališič
p.s. prevod slike( Kako bežiš pred nečim, kar je v tvoji glavi?)