sreda, 17. januar 2018

Januar 2018 (Kakšna je cena milje?)

Kakšna je cena milje?

     Za januarsko temo sem se odločil pisati v povezavi z novoletnimi zaobljubami, ki si jih marsikdo obljubi in potem poskusi uresničiti bolj ali manj uspešno. Ena najpomembnejših stvari, ki stoji za obljubami je motivacija, le ta nas preganja naprej in nam omogoča izpolniti zastavljene cilje ter doseči kar si želimo. Zato je dobro že vnaprej malo pogledati koliko truda bo vloženega v to dejavnost in koliko zahtevno bo vse to za nas ter kakšna bo na koncu korist, ki jo dobimo iz te dejavnosti. Zato se skoraj vedno, preden začnem nekaj pomembnega delati, vprašam: "Kakšna je cena milje?" ali "Koliko truda bom dejansko pripravljen v to stvar vložiti?"
     Ponavadi ko kaj načrtujemo na hitro pomislimo, da bo stvar zahtevna oz., da se bomo mogli nečemu odpovedati, ampak redko kdaj se to res vprašamo oz. predelamo to težavo. Sam pregovor oz. vprašanje, ki sem ga citiral izhaja iz obdobja prve svetovne vojne, kjer so se to spraševali generali. Vsakič, ko so imeli pred seboj neko večjo odločitev, kot je bil napad na sovražnika in zavzetje frontne linije so se vprašali: "ali je vredno žrtvovati vsa ta življenja, da pridobimo to prednost?" Tako rekoče so se vprašali "Koliko življenj moramo žrtvovati da prestavimo bojno črto za nekaj milj?"
     Po tem zgledu se vidi koliko je bilo načrtovanja in priprave na spremembo, predenj se je le ta izvedela. Že sama odločitev in razjasnjenje vse te dejavnosti, kot so npr. novoletne zaobljube za hujšanje, odprava na pohod v hribe, ponovni začetek fakultete v odrasli dobi. Vse te odločitve je dobro zavestno prej premisliti kaj bodo za nas in za druge pomenile, za koga jih delamo in kaj bomo žrtvovali s tem ko jih bomo poskušali doseči.
     Človeško telo se hitro navadi na nov način obnašanja in potem, ko je navajeno po tem načinu deluje. Tako si lahko mi vedno znova zastavimo določene cilje in jih nikoli ne dosežemo ter prenehamo, ker prej nismo dobro premislili o cilju in žrtvovanju med potjo do cilja. Iz teh dejanj se bo človek navadil, da bo vedno obupal pred koncem in se bo težko spet odvadil ter privadil na nov način obnašanja. Zato je treba vsako stvar, ki jo delamo premisliti in jo izpeljati do konca, da s tem navadimo nas same, da se ne odneha na pol poti in se vedno pride do konca.

- Denis Ališič

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What`s the price of a mile?

     For the January theme, I decided to write in connection with the New Year's vows, which many people promise and then try to realize more or less successfully. One of the most important things that stands behind promises is motivation, it pushes us forward and it enables us to meet the set goals and achieve what we want. Therefore, it is good to look a little in advance how much effort will be invested in this activity and how demanding this will be for all of us and how we will ultimately benefit from this activity. So, I almost always, before I begin to do something important, ask myself: "What is the price of a mile?" or "How much effort will I actually be willing to invest in this matter?"
     Usually when we are planning something, we quickly think that things will be demanding or that we will be able to give up something, but rarely we really ask ourselves this question. The proverb itself, the question that I quoted dates from the period of the First World War, where the generals questioned this. Every time when they had a bigger decision before them, such as the attack on the enemy and the engagement on the front line, they asked themselves: "is it worth to sacrifice all these lives in order to gain this advantage?" So they said, "How many lives do we have to sacrifice to move the battle line for a few miles?"
     This example shows how much planning and preparations were made for the change, before it was executed. The very decision and clarification of all these activities, such as, for example, New Year's vows for weight loss, a hike to the mountain, the restart of the university in adulthood. All of these decisions need planing of what they will actually cost us, and what they will mean for us and for others, what we will sacrifice by trying to reach them.
     The human body quickly becomes accustomed to a new way of behaving and after it is accustomed to using this mode it will function this way. We can always set goals again and again and never reach them and stop, because the sacrifice to reach the goal was too big and was to much for us. From these actions, a man will get used to always giving up before the end, and he will hardly get anything done till the end. That is why every thing we do, needs to be finished and completed, so that it does not go half way and it helps us motivate for other planings and struggles.

- Denis Ališič

December 2018 (Bivakiranje med prvo nočjo)

Bivakiranje med prvo nočjo Odhod na prvo prenočitev je lahko čustveno naporen in zahteva kar nekaj priprav, da je izpeljan pravilno...