
ki se odpravijo v gozd imajo tudi pogosto kakšne te predmete seboj,
pri vernih ljudeh je to lahko križ, vernik simbol, ali kakšna
verižica. Pri ostalih slika, kos oblačila, nekakšen priljubljen
predmet, ki daje varnost. Zame je to sekira, ki jo imam že 4 leta in
jo vedno sabo nosim v gozdu na kampiranju. Tudi če bi bilo boljše
da bi si kupil novo, bolj uporabno, mi vseeno pomeni nekaj več in
imam rajši to v nahrbtniku.
preprosto rečeno, vidimo, da tudi kraji, ki nas spominjajo in so
podobni našemu domačemu kraju, zbudijo spomine in občutke
prijetnosti. Podzavestno vplivajo na nas in nam dajejo občutek
varnosti in večje samostojnosti.
person who is exposed to some new surroundings, or what kind of
unpleasant environment, almost always has with him/her a transition
object. These are things, small objects that symbolize security and
memory of a safer environment. In kindergarten children bring usually
plush toys that remind them of their home and their parents.
Something they feel safer. The elderly call them the bearers of
who go to the forest often also have these objects with them,
faithful people normaly use a religous object, such as a cross, or a
necklace. For other there can be pictures, a piece of clothing, a
kind of popular object that gives a feeling of security. For me, this
is an axe that I have for four years and I always carry it on my own
in the woods. Even if it was better for me to buy a new, lighter,
more useful one, it still means something more and I prefer to have
it in the backpack.
put, we see that the places that remind us and resemble our home town
are awakening memories and feelings of security and happiness. They
subconsciously affect us and give us a sense of security and greater
- Denis