Izpostavljenost v naravi.

se je znajti prvič med kampiranjem, ko si sam v gozdu in je potrebno
spati v bivaku narejenega iz kosa platna in spalke. Še posebej je
težko, če nam vreme ne ustreza in je močan veter in dež. Zato
je priporočljivo začeti s šotorom in nato stopnjevati na
vedno manj opreme. Tako se oseba počasi prilagodi na situacijo in si
ustvari občutek prilagojenosti in varnosti. Brez tega
občutka je težko zaspati, porabljamo več energije, ker smo vedno
živčni in pazimo na okolice ter nelagodno nam je.
ni nikoli neumno vzeti preveč opreme, če se hodimo prilagajati na
kampiranjem in potem zmanjševati količino. Tudi oblačila nam
dajejo občutek varnosti in zaščite, tako moramo biti tudi na to
lahko s tem prilagajanjem na naravo gradimo naš karakter
in samoiniciativnost, kar nam bo pomagalo kasneje v življenju.
Potrebno je dosti napora in navajanja in dolgoročno gledano nam je v
korist in pomoč pri iskanju samega sebe. Na sliki lahko vidite par
primerov gradnje bivakov in uporabe šotorskega krila.
so today we will talk about shelter and a sense of safety during
camping. During each camping trip and when we go into the forest, we
are exposed to the surrounding area. Everyone is more comfortable at
home, safe, where you are sure nothing will happen to you. Outside it
takes a lot of practice and time to get used to the way of life.
Comparing the difference between sleeping in a house or in a shelter
is a much more comfortable to sleep in a house, but the bivouac is
much more natural and can be better for health benefits in the long
run. Long run is meant as increase in the human ability to tolerate
temperature, stress, and circumstances. At the beginning, when
starting with camping, for the first time, it's always a problem to
sleep in a shelter, made from a tent cloth or natural material. The
tent closes you completely from the outside world, and you have the
perfect protection and shelter that you need, so it is truly
recommended for beginners.
It is
difficult to enjoy the first time during camping, when you are alone
in the forest and you need to sleep in a bivouac made from a sleeping
bag and tent wing. It is especially difficult if the weather does not
suits us and there is strong wind and rain. It is therefore advisable
to start with the tent and then to gradually increase to less
equipment. Thus, the person slowly adjusts to the situation and
creates a sense of adaptation and security. Without this feeling it
is difficult to fall asleep, we consume more energy, because we are
always nervous and look at the circumstances around us and we are
uncomfortable with the nature.
So it's
never too silly to take too much equipment if we are going to adapt
to camping and then reduce the amount. Clothes also give us a sense
of security and protection, so we must be careful to also thing about
In any
case, by adapting to nature, we can build our character and
self-initiative, which will help us later in life. We need a lot of
effort and cognition, and in the long run, it favors us in helping
finding ourselves. In the picture you can see a couple of examples of
building shelters and the use of a tent wing.
- Denis Ališič